• Course Duration: 48 weeks
  • Application Dates: 17 January 2025 - 15 March 2025 (Class starts on 3 April 2025)


Fundamental Courses


Fundamentals of the Hotel Industry

Study the history and development of the global hotel industry, including hotel categorization, organization, and duties and responsibilities of each department, with an emphasis on the Front Office, Food and Beverage, and Housekeeping; the hotel business in Thailand; and first-class international hotel chains and groups.

English for the Hotel Business

This course is for elementary-level to intermediate students who need to be able to communicate in English with hotel clientele, to be familiarised with technical terms such as the name of the food in the menu, related equipment and tools, etc.

Psychology in the Hotel Business

Study the theories of human behaviour, the self-adaptation required to work in the hotel business, and the customers’ mind-set, including their needs when away from home, in order to provide them with excellent service.

Food Safety and Sanitation

Study the causes of food poisoning and food-borne diseases (e.g. personal hygiene, handling of food and storage techniques, cleaning and sanitizing procedures, and pest control); HACCP system; actions to create and maintain a safe and sanitary working environment to prevent injuries. To

Cost Control

Gain a better understanding of cost control in food service operations, including unit costs; recipe costs; sourcing; purchasing, receiving and issuing procedures; establishing standard portions; waste; sales; and service.


Specific Courses


Introduction to Basic Ingredients

Study the basic ingredients used in the bakeshop: flours, sugar and sweeteners, fats, eggs, thickeners and flavourings, and leaveners; proper temperatures for storing ingredients; how to choose the best quality ingredients; storage; and general bakeshop control.

Basic Dough and Paste Preparation

Study the ingredients and preparation procedures for biscuits, muffins and creaming methods, and mixing and kneading yeast dough according to the production stages of yeast breads.

Basic Cream and Custard Preparation

Study different kinds of custards and creams: crème pâtissière, crème anglaise, crème Chantilly, Bavarian crème, chiffon and mousse; the ingredients and procedures for preparing each kind of cream; and the use of fruits and liqueurs in desserts.

Basic Frozen Desserts and Dessert Sauce

Study the different kinds of frozen desserts, including ice creams, gelatos, sorbets and sherbets; still-frozen desserts; dessert sauces; and the ingredients and procedures for preparing frozen desserts and dessert sauces.

Basic Chocolate, Pralines and Petits Fours Preparation

Study the ingredients and procedures for preparing chocolate (sweet chocolate and bitter chocolate), including baked and glazed chocolate desserts; the use of liqueurs, nuts, milk and sugar in chocolate goods; and the ingredients and procedures for preparing pralines and petits fours.

Basic Cookies and Other Baked Goods Preparation

Study the ingredients and procedures for preparing pastry doughs, including flaky dough (pâte brisèe), sweet dough (pâte sucrèe), puff pastry (pâte feuilete), éclair paste (pâte à choux), meringue and cookies.

Preparation and Finishing Desserts for Buffets and Banquets

Study the ingredients and procedures for preparing desserts for buffets and banquets.

Mise en Place and Actual Service À La Minute

Study the selection of equipment and ingredients for à la minute service. 


Tution Fee

Bakery & Pastry Programme 

Application Fee : 1,500 THB 

Total Class Fee: 125,000 THB (not inclusive of application fee)